Goreville Schools is very proud to announce that we have been chosen for a Telemedicine Pilot Project with the Marion Pediatric Group. Dr. Pradeep Reddy, who is a well-known Pediatrician located in Marion, serves as the primary contact and has provided over $10,000 worth of equipment to Goreville Schools for the development and maintenance of the program. Parents will receive consent forms to determine if they want to be a part of the program. How it works is this - If a child goes to the Goreville Nurse and she finds that the child might need to see a pediatrician (Strep Throat symptoms, RSV, COVID, etc.) then she will see if the parent has consented in writing on the form. Even if the parent has signed the consent form, the Goreville Nurse will still seek verbal consent from a parent before contacting the Pediatric Group. If the parent gives permission, Dr. Reddy will see the child remotely using the equipment donated to the school and determine (1) a diagnosis or (2) whether they need to actually see the child or that the parent needs to take the child to their primary doctor (The Pediatric Group does not have to be the child’s primary care provider, but the child can still participate in this program if the parents choose so). If the diagnosis requires a prescription, the Pediatric Group will contact the parents to see where they would like the prescriptions called in. Or, the pediatrician can determine that the child is ok to stay at school and the parents never have to leave work. There are still some details to be worked out as the program is very new, however this is an exciting service for our community and we are proud to be chosen to try it.
Goreville Schools to Pilot Telemedicine Program
January 8, 2024